Green Spending vs. Lump Sum Redistribution: Experimental Evidence of Support for Carbon Pricing Mechanisms


Climate change is ever present as one of the greatest challenges of our time and carbon pricing schemes have been proposed as an effective mitigation policy. However, carbon pricing remains unpopular. This paper contributes to the literature on carbon pricing by trying to show that revenue recycling schemes can boost popularity of carbon pricing schemes. To achieve this, an RCT was carried out to test different treatments on individuals support for carbon pricing. However, treatment effects remain insignificant and no clear conclusion about the effect of revenue recycling mechanisms on support for carbon pricing can be drawn.

Oct 5, 2022 10:00 AM — 11:30 AM
Humboldt University Berlin
Dorotheenstraße 24, Berlin, Berlin 10117
This work is very much work in progress but the paper is available upon request.
Felix Wortmann Callejón
Felix Wortmann Callejón
Junior Associate

Interested in political economy and causal inference.