Paying the Tab for the Climate Crisis: An Assessment of German Citizens Attitudes Towards Fossil Fuel Taxes.

Saliance of climate change in German public opinion. Data source: Forschungsgruppe Wahlen


A change in economic behaviour is crucial in the fight against climate change and pricing carbon might be the most effective way to accelerate this. Yet, carbon pricing remains unpopular. Why voters approve of carbon pricing schemes is thus a crucial question for all political actors. To answer it, this paper employs survey data collected in two waves, before and after the German Bundestag election of 2021 that is analysed using multi-level regressions. Results show that Green party identification and activated proenvironmental norms are the strongest predictors of carbon tax approval. Political actors seeking to increase support for climate change mitigation policies should hence try to raise awareness for adverse consequences of climate change to further activate pro-environmental norms.

Paying the Tab for the Climate Crisis

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Felix Wortmann Callejón
Felix Wortmann Callejón
Junior Associate

Interested in political economy and causal inference.